FIA. Historic Technical Passport. (HTP)

The HTP is essentially a sporting document and its purpose is to allow a car to take part in International competitions.
The system for obtaining one is totally different to an MSA HRVIF.

The first step is to contact the MSA for an case number, for which you have to pay up front. The price has been changed by the FIA and you need to contact the MSA on  to find out what it is for your specific vehicle. Upon paying this you will be given an issue number, this will begin with GB. You will also require a copy of the relevant FIA Homologation papers.

The next step is to contact a local registrar who deals with the type of vehicle you want a form for.
The inspection fee which is NOT an MSA charge is payable to the individual Registrar on the day or before, and is curremtly agreed at up to £280 plus car mileage travel expenses of 45p per mile or the cost of second class rail fare.

Please note that should the application be turned down subsequently, these fees are not refundable.

It is advisable to have all the vehicles details on hand when you speak to the registrar.

Copies of the homologation forms may be viewed on the FIA website at