Permitted modifications supportes by documented evidence. 


701M or 711M blocks. Plus 60 thou overbore is allowed without altering class.


Twin, Weber or Delorto´s


Standard or Lumenition. The Lumenition system uses an Optronic Trigger system and is an alternative to the standard system. The ignition pack and coil must be mounted on the inner wing.


Four speed 2000E or Rocket gearboxes are permitted.

An Alloy casing for 4 speed gearboxes are permitted.

The ZF S5 18/3 is the only 5 speed gearbox permitted.

Dog engagement gearboxes are not permitted.
Concentric Slave cylinders are not permitted.

Rear Axle.

Standard unit or fully floating Atlas unit. Alternatively the Quaife English axle kit Pt no QAF4Z can be used. Limited slip differential. Full 5 link axle location. Only short links are allowed. (Approximately 16.5 inches long).
Three piece solid halfshafts.


Front. Standard or vented brake disc with AP racing or Girling alloy 4 pot brake calipers.

Rear. Drum brakes, either standard or Capri 3lt. (Baby Atlas). Alternatively non vented disc brakes. Single calipers must have a period design mechanical hand brake mechanism built into it. (Not Sierra). Otherwise two single calipers. One for foot brake and one for the hydraulic hand brake.

Master Cylinders.

Single outlet master cylinders may be replaced by a Tandem or Twin cylinder arrangement.

The fitting of a dual master cylinder or any other type of device providing a simultaneous action on all four wheels and divided action on two wheels is permitted, providing the original brake pedal and pivot point are used.

The remote brake bias adjuster must be positioned so that it cannot be adjusted by either the driver or co-driver when normally seated in the car.

AP Racing CP2361 front brake calipers.

AP racing have reproduced the CP2383 rear brake caliper. However two CP2577 calipers, one for foot brake and one for handbrake are acceptable. Ian Rix engineering (01379854387) are marketing a modified CP2577 caliper with a built in mechanical handbrake mechanism to satisfy the MOT/road traffic act. This unit is accepted for use but will still require a separate footbrake caliper.
Girling Alloy brake caliper information is available from John Freeth on 01600713117 or


Quick steering rack. 2.5 turns as opposed to 3.5 lock to lock.


McPherson Struts. Rubber encased roller top mountings. (Not Alloy). Adjustable platforms are allowed as long as they are the large (Standard) diameter spring. Double width front anti/roll bar mountings.

Top Suspension mountings must be rubber bushed. Spherical bearings are allowed.

Rear. Turret kits (Any height) are allowed. Standard Leaf springs with shackle or slipper type of attachment.

Wheels and Tyres

13″ Diameter
Rim width, Tyre size and profile as per MSUK NCR’s..

Switch Gear

Only period indicator stalks are allowed. You may as was done in period rewire a indicator switch to run the wipers on the other side of the steering column


World cup cross member with engine mountings. Adjustable brake bias pedal box . This is as long as it cannot be adjusted when the Driver or Co-Driver are normally seated.
Fibre glass bonnet and boot lid.
Composite Side and Rear windows.
Alloy centrally mounted replacement fuel tank.
Battery fitted in the boot. (Suitably secured and insulated.)
Front and rear bumpers must be fitted.

Digital display dashes and instruments are not permitted.